A Deep Dive into Angela’s Carnivore Diet Journey – Ketogenic Endurance


Angela’s story is a testament to the power of dietary changes and the potential of the carnivore diet. A 27-year-old Swiss woman, Angela battled coeliac disease, IBS, and chronic migraines. Her journey to health was not a straight path, but a winding road filled with trials and tribulations. Yet, her story stands out, not because of the struggles she faced, but because of her resilience and the transformative power of the carnivore diet.

Angela’s Carnivore Diet Journey

Angela’s journey to health is a tale of resilience, determination, and the transformative power of the carnivore diet. Her story begins in the picturesque landscapes of Switzerland, where at the age of 27, she found herself grappling with coeliac disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and chronic migraines. These health challenges led her down a path of dietary exploration, as she sought to find a way to alleviate her symptoms and improve her quality of life.

Initially, Angela adopted a grain and gluten-free diet, a common approach for managing coeliac disease. However, despite her diligent adherence to this diet, her health continued to decline. Her digestive issues persisted, and her migraines remained a constant, unwelcome companion. It was a frustrating and disheartening time, as the diet that was supposed to bring relief seemed to be falling short.

In her quest for better health, Angela then discovered the ketogenic diet. This high-fat, low-carb diet brought some improvements, but it was not the panacea she had hoped for. Her weight remained stubbornly low, and her digestive issues, while somewhat improved, were still a significant problem. It was clear that while the ketogenic diet was a step in the right direction, it was not the complete solution Angela was searching for.

It was during this time of experimentation and research that Angela stumbled upon the carnivore diet. This diet, which is 99% animal-based, seemed like a radical departure from conventional dietary wisdom. Yet, Angela was willing to give it a try. She began to focus on consuming red meats, seafood, eggs, and some dairy products like butter, raw milk, heavy cream, and cottage cheese. She also included some non-animal products like cold brew coffee, tea, and MCT oil to help increase her caloric intake.

The results were nothing short of remarkable. Despite her complex health challenges, Angela found that the carnivore diet brought her the most benefits compared to other diets she had tried. Her digestive issues improved, her energy levels increased, and she was able to consume higher amounts of food and calories. It was a welcome change, a ray of hope in her long and challenging health journey.

Angela’s story is a testament to the potential of the carnivore diet. It’s a story of hope and resilience, of a woman who refused to let her health challenges define her. It’s a story that offers inspiration and insight to others who may be on a similar journey, searching for dietary solutions to their health problems. Angela’s journey is far from over, but her experiences so far provide valuable insights into the potential benefits of the carnivore diet.

The Power of Simplicity

One of the most profound benefits Angela experienced from the carnivore diet was its inherent simplicity. This aspect of the diet is often overlooked, yet it holds immense value. As noted by carnivoreaurelius.com, one of the most significant benefits of the carnivore diet is its simplicity. It’s about identifying what is essential and eliminating the rest. This principle resonated deeply with Angela, guiding her dietary choices and shaping her journey towards better health.

The carnivore diet’s simplicity lies in its focus on nutrient-dense animal products. For Angela, this meant consuming a variety of red meats, seafood, eggs, and some dairy products. These foods provided her with a rich source of essential nutrients, including high-quality proteins, fats, and a range of vitamins and minerals. This focus on nutrient-dense foods allowed her to meet her nutritional needs without the complexity of counting calories or tracking macronutrients.

Moreover, the simplicity of the carnivore diet extends beyond food choices. It also involves eliminating foods that were causing her digestive issues. For Angela, this meant removing grains, gluten, and other potential irritants from her diet. This process of elimination was not easy, but it was a crucial step in her journey towards better health. By removing these foods, Angela was able to give her body a chance to heal and recover.

This simplicity also made the diet easy to follow. There were no complicated meal plans, no intricate recipes, and no need for meticulous food tracking. Instead, Angela could focus on eating nourishing, satisfying foods that made her feel good. This ease of adherence is a significant benefit of the carnivore diet, making it a sustainable choice for long-term health improvement.

Furthermore, the simplicity of the carnivore diet also brought a sense of clarity and peace to Angela’s life. She no longer had to worry about food causing her discomfort or exacerbating her symptoms. Instead, she could trust in the nourishing power of the foods she was eating. This peace of mind is a priceless benefit, contributing to Angela’s overall wellbeing and quality of life.

Improved Digestive Health

A significant turning point in Angela’s health journey was the noticeable improvement in her digestive health after adopting the carnivore diet. Despite battling coeliac disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), two conditions notorious for their disruptive impact on digestion, Angela found that her symptoms improved significantly on the carnivore diet. This improvement was not just a minor relief; it was a substantial change that transformed her daily life and overall well-being.

Angela’s experience with coeliac disease and IBS had been a tumultuous one. These conditions had caused her immense discomfort, with symptoms ranging from pain and cramping to irregular bowel movements. These symptoms had not only affected her physically but had also taken a toll on her mental and emotional health. The constant worry about potential flare-ups and the discomfort that came with them had cast a shadow over her life.

However, with the adoption of the carnivore diet, Angela began to experience less pain and cramping. These improvements were not just minor adjustments; they were significant changes that had a profound impact on her quality of life. The reduction in pain and cramping meant that Angela could go about her daily activities without the constant worry of a sudden flare-up. This newfound freedom was a significant milestone in her health journey.

Moreover, Angela also reported better sleep since starting the carnivore diet. Good sleep is crucial for overall health and well-being, and for someone battling chronic health conditions, it’s even more critical. Improved sleep meant that Angela could recover better, feel more energized, and have a clearer mind to face each day.

These improvements align with anecdotal reports from other carnivore diet followers who claim that the diet can help reduce inflammation and improve gut health. While these claims need further scientific validation, stories like Angela’s provide hope and encouragement for those struggling with similar health issues.


Angela’s journey is a powerful reminder of the potential of dietary changes to improve health. Despite her health challenges, Angela found a way to improve her symptoms and enhance her quality of life through the carnivore diet. Her story serves as an inspiration for others who may be struggling with similar health issues and are considering the carnivore diet as a potential solution.


This review is based on a previous post and provides additional insights and information. It’s important to note that we don’t know if Angela is still following the carnivore diet or if she has maintained the benefits she experienced. Additionally, while the information provided is based on Angela’s personal experience and other anecdotal reports, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes.

1) Introduce Yourself.

I am Angela, a 27-year-old, from Switzerland. I was diagnosed with coeliac disease, IBS, chronic migraines.

2) How did you eat before Carnivore.

I lived a pretty healthy and active life. I grew up as a daughter in a farmer’s family and was outdoors all the time with my brothers, doing sports, helping our parents or doing other fun things.

In my teens, I suffered from bulimia due to some comments from some people in my class at school about my body. It has to be said, compared to my female schoolmates I looked a lot more like a woman than a girl/ kid because I started puberty pretty early. However, one day it just clicked that what I was doing was harmful, so I stopped and making myself sick is not something that I do anymore. As life moved on, my digestive issues started and after being diagnosed with coeliac disease. So I started to eat a grain and gluten-free diet with no lactose because they also diagnosed a secondary intolerance of lactose, but this has improved and mostly disappeared until now. Unfortunately, my digestive issues became worse, after following the diet my health still declined. I tried many diets over the years after that, numerous supplements and more than 2 years of being nourished through tubes. I then read about ketogenic diet and how it could improve digestive issues, migraines, and overall health. After a lot of research, I consulted with my doctor, and I tried it. I have to be really careful with what I try, because of my coeliac disease.

3) Why did you try Carnivore to begin with.

After starting keto I noticed many benefits, unfortunately not gaining weight like I hoped. My digestive issues still didn’t go away and I did a lot of experimenting. I noticed that my issues become worse after eating veggies. I noticed this because I would eat a lot more veggies at night, and this was because my digestive issues were the worst. So I researched it because I thought fruit and vegetables were important. I told my doctor what I thought was happening. After doing some tests, he was supportive of me trying to cut fruit and veg for a while. Not only did I think Carnivore may help my extreme case, it just seemed logical in general.

4) How do you personally approach the Carnivore Diet.

I would say I am 99% animal-based. Mainly all kinds of red meats followed by seafood/fish, eggs fresh from the farm and also some dairy like butter, raw milk, heavy cream or cottage cheese (no aged or other cheese). Of course, I consume a lot of added fats since meat is really lean here in Switzerland. My doctor has recommended Collagen and Fresubin shots, however, these are not covered by my insurance.

The other 1% comes from a cup of cold brew or reishi coffee, morning tea, some MCT oil, MCT powder (to fatten up my liquids and made my caloric intake higher), and every once in a while a piece of dark choc 99% or diet soda as a treat.

5) What benefits have you seen since starting the Carnivore Diet.

I look much more muscular and feel more energized since switching from keto. I am able to eat higher amounts of food and calories. I am pretty sick and suffer malnourishment because of malabsorption and many digestive issues as I explained before. I am still far away from becoming better and need to gain a lot of weight, which unfortunately hasn’t happened yet. Although I do have less pain, less cramping, diarrhea, better sleep. I believe this diet is the best one I have found so far and has had the most benefits. This is important, and my medical insurance is limited and I need to gain at least 20kg to be a healthy weight.

6) What negatives have you found with the Carnivore Diet.

Despite the benefits, I have not put the weight on I need too.

7) Do you exercise on the Carnivore Diet, if so how do you find it and what do you do.

I have always enjoyed sports, however, I stopped doing these due to my health issues. I am also so desperate to gain weight that I do not want to increase my caloric needs further. Somedays I find it difficult to walk or stand for more than 1 minute, so exercise is out of the question.

8) What piece of advice would you give someone who is interested in trying this diet, but hasn’t taken the leap yet.

Just start and try it. Don’t overcomplicate things or wait until you have eaten all the rubbish you have left in the cupboards – just start. There is no perfect time to start, but you can ease yourself into it if you think that is for the best. Just be aware that your body will need to adapt and transition. If you are struggling, stick with it and things will improve. Just give it time.

9) Do you think Carnivore will ever be accepted as a mainstream diet.

Maybe sometime in the future but not yet. If people just started off by reducing sugars or carbs, that would be a start. I think the industry is starting to recognize this. Or even just start by stop demonizing red meat and fat. However the food industry has a strong plant-based bias, and they spend a lot of money on advertising, marketing and research. So there is a lot to get past.

10) Anything you would like to add, and where can people follow your journey.

You can find me on Instagram @vihreae.

I am enjoying the Carnivore Diet, and I hope long term it will bring the help I need. However, in the short term, I am anxious to improve my health as quickly as possible. If there is someone that thinks they can help, or provide a plan to do this. I am happy to chat.


Thanks for reading, Steven

More Information

If you enjoyed this blog post and want to dive deeper into the carnivore diet, don’t hesitate to check out my other media, sites, and affiliate links for more insights, success stories, and support. Remember, I’m not a doctor, so always consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant dietary changes:

The Carnivore Diet 30 Day Challenge is an excellent way to push yourself to new limits and see what you’re capable of achieving. This challenge is all about following a diet that consists of only animal products such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. By doing so, you can experience numerous health benefits such as improved digestion, better mental clarity, increased energy levels, and weight loss.

If you’re looking for inspiration to start the Carnivore Diet, be sure to check out our real-life Carnivore Diet Success Stories. These stories feature people who have experienced tremendous results by following the Carnivore Diet, including significant weight loss, better health markers, and improved overall well-being. Reading about the success of others can be a great way to motivate and inspire you to keep pushing forward towards your goals.

In addition to inspiration, it’s essential to have a support system as you embark on the Carnivore Diet. That’s why we encourage you to join our Carnivore Diet Success Stories Facebook Group. Here, you can connect with like-minded people, share your experiences, ask questions, and get support from others who are on the same journey as you.

For informative and engaging videos on all things health and fitness, be sure to subscribe to my Ketogenic Endurance YouTube channel. You’ll find a wealth of information on how to succeed on the Carnivore Diet, including tips on how to overcome common challenges and stay motivated along the way.

If you’re active on Reddit, be sure to join the conversation on the Reddit Carnivore Diet Group. This group is an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn more about the Carnivore Diet or connect with others who are passionate about this way of eating.

For regular updates and tips on the Carnivore Diet, follow me on Twitter @ketoendurance. I share all sorts of tips and tricks on how to succeed on the Carnivore Diet, as well as updates on my own personal journey.

For a glimpse into my personal journey and tips on how to succeed on the Carnivore Diet, be sure to follow me on Instagram Steven Chasing Goals. Here, you’ll find daily updates, as well as helpful tips and advice on how to thrive on the Carnivore Diet.

For a fun and informative look at the Carnivore Diet, check out my videos on TikTok @ketoendurance. Here, you’ll find short, engaging videos that offer insights and tips on how to succeed on the Carnivore Diet.

Finally, if you’re looking for even more content and community interaction, be sure to like my Facebook Page Steven Chasing Goals. Here, you can connect with other Carnivore Diet enthusiasts, share your experiences, and get inspiration and motivation to keep pushing forward towards your goals.

Let’s continue this carnivore journey together and unlock the health benefits of a meat-based diet.

If you would like to do your own success story, hit me up in the contacts page.

For Carnivore friendly designs, search “Carnivore Diet Success Stories Hub Keto Press” on Amazon. 

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from Keto Diet – My Blog https://ift.tt/H0GrD5B

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